Youth & Young Adults

Open Door Churches Youth Group (School Year)

The youth group  gathers  on Sunday afternoons from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in a fun and supportive group to practice living out our faith through fellowship, worship, studying scriptures, praying for each other and reaching out in mission. Check their Facebook page for their monthly location. We meet weekly for good food, challenging discussions, fun games, and community service projects. Contact Rev. Kift Lee for more information

Open Door Churches Young Adults

The young adult group, college-age through early 30s meets every other Monday night in the MICAH building at Salem First. The group gathers for games, sharing a meal, and sometimes includes breakout groups for sharing life together or Bible study. The Young Adults are hosting a retreat this fall, November 8-10. Contact Rev. Jenny Smith for more information.

Mission Projects and Camping

Each year the youth are given the opportunity to engage in mission activities and we participate in the United Methodist camping program both in the summer and winter. We would love to have you join us.

Camping – We have lots of great camping opportunities in places throughout Oregon and Idaho. Click here to find out information about camps this summer.


Children and Families


Adult Faith Formation